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Euro 40 Tower

Euro 40 Tower with upwind bars, sliding corner block - 16 wheels, pulley head. It supports Euro 40 Square trusses and Lightcontainer 40x 56.
Accessories: hand winch with mt. 15 steel cable or electric hoist system with chain (mt.16-20).

Main Tube Æ 50x2,0 mm.
Diagonal Tube Æ 25x2,0 mm.

Tower Euro 40 - Weight
TB 954120Kit Euro 40 Tower with: TB 95441, TB 95443,
TB 95444, TB 9536
103,00 kg
TB 954124Head (4 TA 4006 and 4 TA 8009 included)
9.00 kg
TB 954123Sliding Corner Block 550 x 550 x H 600 mm
20.00 kg
TB 9536Hoist case-to-tower support
3.00 kg
TB 954121Euro 40 Base, 4 adjustable upwinds,
hoist-to-tower support, 4 wheels Ø 80 mm, spirit level,
4 base adjustments.
71.00 kg


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